Usage in SSR/SSG Environments

Usage in SSR/SSG Environments

TL;DR You don't need a special treatment to just make it work in SSR/SSG environments!

Internally, Bottom Sheet uses React's createPortal (opens in a new tab), thus disabling ability to render server-side without a workaround.

If you don't need it anyway, then you can just drop BottomSheet into your component tree and use it rendered on client only. Otherwise, if you strictly need to pre-render, I prepared a recipies for you.

Rendering Without a Portal

For a number of cases, including the most straightfowrward way of getting it render server-side, you can simply get rid of the portal by passing standalone prop.

<BottomSheet standalone />

This way, you have to manually think of the placement of the bottom sheet keeping in mind a few moments:

  • Sheet has position: fixed (opens in a new tab), and must be positioned relative to the initial viewport (i.e. be full-screen stretched). This is important as each detent, defined as percentage, is calculated relative to window.innerHeight. Feel free to fill in an issue, if you have concerns regarding this behaviour.
  • You will be in charge of assigning correct z-index so bottom sheet can be accessed and other fixed elements won't overlay it.

Using Third-Party Solutions

If you have no choice but to keep sheet's rendering within portal, you can use third-party libraries that can insert portals server-side. Next.js team prepared a number of great examples, including the very similar one (opens in a new tab), where they render a modal on server.

According to it, we can do the following. The standalone prop used here again, so you can wrap bottom sheet in a custom portal.

import BottomSheet from '@wldyslw/react-bottom-sheet';
import { UniversalPortal } from '@jesstelford/react-portal-universal';
function App() {
    return (
        <UniversalPortal selector="body">
            <BottomSheet standalone />

Dynamic Loading

There's another approach to mentioned createPortal's limitation. If it only rendered on client, why should it be even included in initial bundle?

Next.js and dynamic()

You may think of something like using Next's dynamic() (opens in a new tab) function with ssr: false parameter:

const LazySheet = dynamic(() => import('@wldyslw/react-bottom-sheet'), {
    ssr: false,
function App() {
    return <LazySheet />;

But it has very frustrating issue: dynamic will omit original ref handler and replace it with custom one, so you won't be able to open sheet programmatically, for instance. Unfortunately, it won't be resolved (opens in a new tab).

If you want to use dynamic() anyway, I advise you to create a wrapper around BottomSheet component and then use it:

import { type Ref } from 'react';
import BottomSheet, {
    type BottomSheetRef,
    type BottomSheetProps,
} from '@wldyslw/react-bottom-sheet';
import '@wldyslw/react-bottom-sheet/lib/style.css';
const BottomSheetWrapper = ({
}: BottomSheetProps & { sheetRef?: Ref<BottomSheetRef> }) => {
    return <BottomSheet {...props} ref={sheetRef} />;
export default BottomSheetWrapper;
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
import { useRef } from 'react';
import { type BottomSheetRef } from '@wldyslw/react-bottom-sheet';
const LazySheet = dynamic(() => import('./BottomSheetWrapper'), {
    ssr: false,
function App() {
    return <LazySheet />;

React's <Suspense/> and lazy()

I haven't yet tested it with React.Suspense/React.lazy, but hope that will do it soon!